R E M O T E   C I T I Z E N

Christian Kuntner (director)
Astride Schlaefli (director, creative assistance)
Martin Schick (choreography, bodycoaching)


ultimas informaciones, citas   >>

MOVIES    >>

All about REMOTE CITIZEN in other languages:

Due to the technical equippment we are using for the performance, only people that REALLY are going to participate should sign in ! If a subscription gets obsolete, it would be kind to inform us, so there will be more space for interested people.

performance operators & PLATAFORMA_LA DÁRSENA
present :
REMOTE CITIZEN IN BUENOS AIRES, 16 / 17 / 18th of october 2012
, 15pm till 19pm
Instant Urban Remote Performance

To everybody who is interested in being part of a lively street-art-project and performance.


Up to 55 participants are directed and synchronized via wireless intercom (in English language), moving from one place to the other in Istanbul . The guides and directors of the performance are Christian Kuntner, Astride Schlaefli and Martin Schick from Switzerland. Their goal is to perceive the motion flow in public places, directly analyze it and use it in its spontaneous evaluation via performance elements. Through direct control of the actions, we influence the flow of normality, deflect it, bring it to a standstill, or speed it up. Our intervention is subtle; it gives the place a slight temporary stir that can be mysterious, eerie, or funny.
REMOTE CITIZEN uses controlled intervention in crowded places to intensify, break, or reduce to absurdity any predominant dynamics. In this way, reality and staging seamlessly blend into each other.

All information, related to this project as well as short documentation of the shows are presented on our website:

Since 2010, this performance successfully took place in 20 towns in. Following the successful performances in 13 towns of both Switzerland and Germany in 2010, the show was invited to perform in Istanbul, Yerevan, Minsk and Marseille in the autumn of 2011. In october 2012, REMOTE CITIZEN will perform also 3 times in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

We are now looking for participants to join the performance in your city, Losone, Locarno. There is no experience or specific knowhow required. Everybody can be part of this show!

Sign up:
For all those who are interested in being part of this project in istanbul, please use the formula at

Due to technical limitation, we can't handle more than 55 participants on a first come first serve basis... don't hesitate to join in this unique street art performance!

Once you have sent in your information, you will receive more detailed information via e-mail.

For more information, please contact us via the following e-mail addresses: or

We hope to see you soon in Buenos Aires!

Kind regards
Christian, Filippo (director of Performa Festival)